If you need to ask a question apart from the explanations below, you can send an e-mail to bootcamp@eteration.com.
Anyone who has previously developed software using at least one programming language, has graduated from the University at the time of the program, or is close to graduating, and has decided to build their future on software can apply. In addition, having knowledge about Java and JavaScript technologies, and developing a project on them will give you a significant advantage.
You must complete and submit the Application Form before 13 June 2022.
We will organize two bootcamps in 2022. The first will be held from June 20 to July 8, and the second will be held from August 1 to August 26. Bootcamps will be held entirely online. Please select the date you intend to participate in the application form.
The Program will be as transferring the relevant subject first and then implementing it. Some practices will be done with the instructor, while others will be given to you as homework. It is very important to do your homework and deliver it on time.
You will also develop a project as a team throughout the Program. Lectures and project development sessions will proceed as separately. You will be released in the morning and will be allowed to develop the project and continue with training in the afternoon. You will definitely be able to reach an instructor at the time of project development.
After the training and the project development process are completed, you will present your project to Eteration Executives on the following Monday.
Project presentations will be performed as a team and we will expect each member of the team to talk. In the presentation, we expect you to explain what your project is about, the technologies you used, how you are engaged in teamwork, and personal accomplishments, and make a short demo by running the application.
If you want to be selected at the end of the Program, show yourself, and the way to do this is to take part in the lectures, be active during sessions, and do your homework on time. In addition, the predisposition to teamwork is at the forefront of every company’s recruitment rules today. For this reason, we divide the participants into groups and examine the behavior of the individuals within the group. Being able to work in harmony with the group is also an important factor to be chosen.
In order to be certified at the end of the Program, you must attend fully in the program.
After the Program is completed, the trainers and mentors will evaluate each participant. The main criteria will be ability to use technologies, speed of learning, enthusiasm, participation to teamwork and attendance. The candidates who come into prominence as a result of the evaluations will be invited for a job interview.
Bu yıl onbirincisi yapılan Eteration Bootcamp, ülkemizin farklı bölge ve şehirlerinde yaşayan seçkin gençlerimize eşit imkanlar sağlayabilmek adına, devam eden pandemi döneminin dinamikleri göz önünde bulundurularak Microsoft’un sponsorluğunda Microsoft Azure ile ikinci kez bulut ortamında gerçekleştiriliyor.
Yetişmekte olan genç ve yeni yazılımcıları ülkemiz bilişim sektörüne kazandırmak, onları profesyonel iş hayatına hazırlamak amacı ile geliştirilen ve her yıl yeni teknolojilerle güncellenen yenilikçi program ve eğitimler ile bu yıl da onlarca genç yazılımcı kendilerini geliştirme ve iş hayatı ile buluşma şansı yakalayacak.
Bulut teknolojileri, ileri düzey programlama, yazılım hayat döngüsü gibi birçok temel konu, tecrübeli uzmanlar tarafından tasarlanan eğitimlerle uygulamalı olarak katılımcılara sunulacaktır. Online platform üzerinde gerçekleşecek bu çalışmalarla gerek bireysel, gerekse de ekip olarak genç yazılımcıların sorumluluk alıp kendilerini geliştirmelerine katkıda bulunulacaktır.
Bootcamp sürecinde katılımcılarımız mentörleri ve takım arkadaşları ile online görüşme ve toplantılara katılabilecek, sorularına yanıt alıp ekip arkadaşlarıyla birlikte kod yazabilecektir. Online ekip çalışması ve yazılım geliştirme sürecine adaptasyon ile katılımcıların uzaktan çalışma kültürünü tanımaları sağlanmış olacaktır.